Tuesday 12 July 2016

Popscene- one minute recreation.


As a follow-up task to our 30 second recreation to 'Happy', we have been given a task to recreate one minute of a music video of our choice, for this I have chosen 'Popscene' by Blur. I have chosen this music video as it is a simple setting: in one location and, as footage, consists mainly of a performance piece, which means that in terms of practicality, the recreation of the setting is achievable. However the creative part of the video exists in the experimental camera movements and editing.

In the first minute, over 200 cuts are shown in the music video, most lasting for less than a second, perhaps even less than half. A lot of these cuts are repeated and looped, making the music video very fast-paced and hard to follow with the eyes. I think Popscene is a good music video to recreate as it will be fairly quick to film but most of the work will come in post-production, meaning that I can practice editing further and show my knowledge of PremierePro through the task. It will also be a chance to practice editing for music videos, for example getting lipsyncing to be in time with the music.

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