Thursday 10 November 2016

Advanced portfolio checklist

This is the checklist for my A2 portfolio, I will be referring back to this sheet throughout the year in order to make sure I'm creating posts that are relevant and that will help me achieve the highest marks that I am able to. 

On Blog
(For all, state how you are going to use this info and where you got the info from)
·          How audiences are targeted (market research)
·          Appropriate audience theories (aim for different ones to AS)
·          Consuming habits (when, how, where do people normally consume these products (main and ancillary)?

·          History of that industry/medium.
·          Comparable products (main and ancillary) already available.
·          Key company case study
·          How is the industry regulated?
·          Production process (how made and by whom)
·          Distribution process (how distributed and by whom)
·          Marketing and promotion
·          Well known examples/producers/directors

Conventional Features:
·          DETAILED textual analysis of at least 3 existing products (main and ancillary).

Academic Theories:
·          A selection of appropriately chosen theories outlined and your opinion/understanding of the theory outlined.
·          Explanation of how theory will inform your planning decisions.

Primary Research:
At least one of the following…
·          Interview
·          Direct Questioning
·          Textual Analysis

Secondary Research:
At least two of the following…
·          Reference books / text books
·          Internet
·          Seminars
·          Novels
·          Magazines

Evidence of ALL planning, no matter how rough, should be on your blog.
Who is your target audience (detailed)?

·          Development of ideas.
·          What is your company idea?
·          Stylistic influences
·          Brand/style development
·          Pitch to imaginary company
·          Invent own company with its own backstory

Time and equipment

Evidence of thought/idea process (main and ancillary)
·          PRINT (layout drafts, text drafts, still image plans, shoot plans, typography, mise-en-scene, setting, colour schemes, character profiles, company/brand, costume)
·          MOVING IMAGE (storyboard, character profiles, setting/location plan, narrative/plot, soundtrack, script, drafts for graphics etc, mise-en-scene, costume)

Test the market – test out your ideas before completing your final production pieces.

Final products (main and ancillary) (original copies on disc and copies on the blog)

The questions that must be addressed in the evaluation are:
·          In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
·          How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
·          What have you learned from your audience feedback?
·          How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

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