Wednesday 11 January 2017

Textual analysis of A2 music video

Textual analysis A2

The music video's pace is matched with the visuals, with the camera cuts increasing as the song progresses. In terms of the lyrics and the visuals, there is a high-angle shot repeated when the lyrics say "You're giving me the look" of the boy lying down looking up at the camera. Also with the lyrics "We're always in small circles" there is a superimposition over the subject of a spinning theme park ride going around in a circle to match the words. 

The song is calm and melancholy which is matched by the location of the music video, on a bright day on a shore with saturated colours of blue, green and yellow. The music video is solely a performance piece and appears to have no intended meaning encoded within the text- so in terms of Hall's reception theory, a preferred reading from the audience simple to achieve in this music video.  

The music video begins with a tilt up shot of the tide on a sunny beach with a simplistic thin font in sans. This fits with Goodwin's 'Genre conventions' of a music video as the song is a low-key electronic song which has an arpeggio tone (light and upbeat). 

The editing shows different shots to slide into 
view, and the editor uses this technique to show the progression through the day from the beach during the day to the theme park in the night. 

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