Tuesday 3 January 2017

Stylisitc influences

As a preliminary concept, I have been a inspired by the alternative genre of music videos and, more specifically, the themes of horror films within certain music videos, that often work ironically or satirically. In researching various branches of music videos I found myself drawn to darker music videos sometimes a bit gory but generally violent or gruesome for comic effect: such as Kasabian's 'Vlad the Impaler' or Yeah Yeah Yeah's 'Heads Will Roll'. Both of these music videos were directed by Richard Ayoade, whom I did a case study on, outlining he aspects of his directing which I have been inspired by: Richard Ayoade case study. Though my music video story has been heavily altered since the beginning of the year, I still maintain these influences and I hope that they will be apparent in my final music video at the end of this year.

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