Wednesday 22 March 2017

Music video theorists

Sven E Carlsson

Carlsson said that music videos fell into two categories:
  • Conceptual
  • Performance
A conceptual music video is one that follows a story/narrative, such as Fatboy Slim- Weapon of Choice, in which actor Christopher Walken dances and flies around a hotel.

A performance video is one where the band themselves mime the words or play the instruments as a fabricated performance for the video, like Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen, in which the band mime the lyrics and their instruments.  

My music video will be heavily conceptual, with a running narrative throughout it. My story will consist of a vampire planning a party to try and overcome their social stigma, brought about by aspects of the media. When no one turns up to the vampire's party, they are very sad, but one person shows up and, due to either self-fulfilling prophecy or perhaps just instinct (it is the former though), they kill their only friend. 

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