Wednesday 1 March 2017

Album name ideas

This week I've been trying to come up with a name for STOKER's debut album. I want it to fit the same theme as the music video will, about self-fulfilling prophecy. I think in my ancillaries (like the website) I might promote the band as semi-political (which would fit the sort of edgy conventions of being an indie follower) and thenceforth tie in all the products: the music video, the album, the website and the band. 
yeah, that sounds good. 

So my thoughts so far are something like:

  • The Thomas Theorem 
  • Moral Panic
  • Stereotypes
  • Subjectivity
Or something like that. The Thomas Theorem would be a reference to the concept of the same name, whereby something is made real because people believe in it, sometimes also known as the Tinkerbell theory, after the typical theatre production of Peter Pan in which Tinkerbell remains alive after the audience protest that they believe in fairies (they do). 

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