Tuesday 4 October 2016



In researching music video genres in the hopes of gaining some idea of what type of style to go for in my music video, I have found myself being heavily influenced by that of the alternative genre. Though alternative music is a vast genres that many artists, albums and songs can fall under, i have found that in music videos to alternative music: whether its alternative punk of rock or indie, there seems to be some common themes shared. 
These themes include:

  • Violence
  • Satire 
  • Absurd concepts (such as clowns as real people in Fluorescent Adolescent)
  • Cuts between narrative and concept
  • and intertextual references to films, eras and other music videos
Here are some of the alternative music videos I have seen which have interested or inspired me in some way:

1. Wolf Alice- You're a germ

I like the consistent intertextual referencing throughout this music video: the titles of the music video bears similarity to the Evil Dead and the location of the music video (a cabin in the woods) fits this film and other productions in the horror genre, like the Until Dawn game. 

2. Parquet courts- Dust

I liked this video by Parquet Courts as I thought that the atmosphere of the video was uncomfortable and strange. because of the amount of superimposition in the video, it's hard to concentrate on one thing in particular, and the dust monster that is barely able to be seen over the footage is strange and eery-looking.

3. Blur- The Universal

Blur's universal is a more obvious intertextual reference to the book and the film 'A Clockwork Orange', with mine-en-scene and concept following one of the scenes from the film where a woman sings Beethoven to a group of men. This also fits with my list of findings in alternative music videos by having the band play the droogs from the film, Damon Alburn of Blur being the main Character Alex. 

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