Thursday 13 October 2016

Music Video theorists

Music genre theorists

Here are some theorists and their views on music genres that we learnt about in lesson today:

John Hartley
Argues that 'genres are agents of ideological closure- they limit the meaning-potential of a given text'. He basically aregues that genres act as a sort of straightjacket to an artist or a sort of tether to a genre's conventions.

Robert Hodge and Gunther Kress
Hodge and Kress say genres 'control the behaviour of producers of such texts, and the expectations of potential consumers'.

John Fiske
Fiske views genres as a reflection of the zeitgeist at the time. He says that genres 'embody the crucial ideological concerns of the time in which they are popular'.

Rick Altman
Altman suggest that there's no such thing as a pure genre anymore. He states that genre is progressive in that it will always change. Generic conventions are very much a thing of the past. His theory suggests that audiences in general have become tired of the same strict make up and need more variety to keep them entertained.

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