Monday 10 October 2016

Intertextuality in music videos

Intertextuality in music videos

Intertextuality has always been popular within music videos, especially in such a way as to make the video comical or to pay homage to directors, actors and other figures of the media that the band/artist a fans of. I have been researching intertextuality and how its used both prominently and subtly in film and music, as I want to include intertextual referencing to various vampire films in my music video. Here are music videos that I like that use intertextual referencing:

Blur- To The End 

To The End has intertextuality posing as the narrative to the music video. It references a french film from the 60s called 'Lanee Dernier et Marienbad'. Although the whole music video to this Blur song is based on the obscure french feature, it is never explicitly stated and I found out about the film via the Youtube comments on this particular music video.

Nirvana- In Bloom

In Bloom is a music video that parodies performances featured on variety shows in the early 1960s, with Kurt Cobain dressed like Buddy Holly, this referencing is less direct and more general: its referencing no particular variety shows but simply old 1960s televised performances. As well as direct referencing in my music video I want to have more general references, such as acting out folklore about vampires like their sensitivity to light and absence of reflection. 

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