Monday 10 October 2016

Concept ideas

Ideas for music video story

For my music video, I want to have elements of both a narrative and a performance. Which means I'll need a story and lip-syncing in the video. From the offset of the year I have been inspired by music video director Richard Ayoade and his black-comedy style videos, which often includes intertextual referencing to things such as horror films and genres. 

In my media lessons, I have been developing the narrative of a vampire who is disliked by people around them because they are a vampire: a creature which is typically associated with horror and is feared among the general public in fictional stories where they exist. 

Instead of the audience fearing the vampire, I want them to be a comical character, being overly nice and just trying to fit in. However at the end of the video I still want them to take an innocent life: I want to create an ambiguous ending whereby the audience are unsure whether the vampire has killed the person because it was their primal instinct, or whether the stigmatisation they face from people has driven them to fulfil what is expected of them by those who create and reinforce the stigma.

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