Thursday 13 October 2016



Image result for parental advisory]

Regulators/regulations- A set of rules or guidelines usually agreed (though not legally obligatory) between media organisations and public organisations in order to make media organisations more accountable for what they publish.

In 1990, a black-and-white warning label reading "Parental Advisory: Explicit Lyrics" was introduced as a standard for affected records to follow, and was to be placed on the bottom right-hand section of a given product. By May 1992, approximately 225 records had been marked with the warning

Contrary to the label's purpose, the explicit content warning began to entice people who wanted to buy records that they may not necessarily have bought before based on the label that the album would have swearing, violent and sexual language or would otherwise not be suitable for minors to listen to. Subsequently, the label had the adverse effect of deterring wide audiences. 
Early edition of the
'Parental Advisory' label

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